Community Partners

Community partners ensure that our platform tool provides a wide breadth of opportunities for people to engage with STEM activities across our region.

From foundational support in funding and technology infrastructure, to partnering with us on individual educational events, or providing monetary donations, our community partners contribute greatly to the expansion and continued operation of our work.

The following community partners contribute to the success of the STEM Community Platform.

Learn how to become a community partner of the STEM Community Platform today.

Community Partner Pillars


Foundational Partners



These partners provide foundational support and partnership by serving as fiscal agents, board partners, website hosts, and/or thought leaders. 

These partners are: 

  • Omaha STEM Ecosystem
  • AIM Institute 
  • Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium
  • FNTS
Sponsors provide one-time or ongoing financial donations to our organization to fund programs, events, services or other opportunities to have a presence in the community. 

Our sponsor levels are: 

  • STEM Innovator | $100K
  • STEM Advocate | $50K – $99K
  • STEM Connector | $20K – $49K
  • STEM VIP | $5K – $19K
Program partners collaborate with us to provide STEM opportunities and services to our community by donating resources to help support our programs. 


Become A Partner

The STEM Community Platform is a centralized community calendar and resource center that lists Omaha-area science, technology, engineering and math offerings, from classes and programs to events and family-friendly tech activities.

View Partnership Info