
Mathematics is the common language uniting all STEM disciplines. It allows us to organize and structure knowledge in a way that can be shared with others throughout the world and across generations. The effects of math on daily life cannot be overstated. The room you’re in, the device you’re reading this on, and the vehicle you took to get here all operate on mathematical principles. In fact, it would be nearly impossible for most humans to live one day without benefiting from research and discoveries made possible by mathematics.


Do you like to strategically approach problems and work with logic puzzles? Then algebra is for you! Algebra trains your brain to approach problems logically. People in a variety of careers, such as engineers, geologists, health care workers, mechanics, and welders all use algebra daily.

Sample Careers: Market Research Analysts, Math Teacher, Video Game Developer, Electrician, Landscape Architect, Computer Programmer, Cryptographer

STEM Outlook: Various careers involve algebra. The average salary for some of these careers is $68,140 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Job growth for these careers is much higher than average at 15 percent.

Explore Algebra Careers


If you like to study complicated problems and help design optimal solutions and models, consider the field of calculus. Calculus applies mathematical principles to develop models that help explain complex phenomena. Many careers depend on a solid foundation of calculus including astronaut, space engineer, mathematician, software developer, postsecondary teacher, economist, chemical engineer, and more.

Sample Careers: Economist, Operational Research Analyst

STEM Outlook: Various careers involve calculus and the average salary for some of these jobs is $89,540 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. The average job growth for these careers is 15 percent.

Explore Calculus Careers


Interested in the stock market, investing, or insurance? Follow the money to the field of financial mathematics. Financial mathematicians, often known as "quants," short for quantitative finance, use mathematical principles and computer science to predict how stocks and other financial products will perform. This field is very important in business, and can help companies, organizations, and individuals determine what financial moves to make.

Sample Careers: Quantitative Analyst, Revenue Cycle Analyst, Auditor, Fraud Investigator, Accountants, Actuary, Bank Teller

STEM Outlook: The career outlook for financial mathematicians in the next ten years is good, with a growth rate of 5 percent. A bachelor's degree is required.

Explore Financial Careers


Geometry is used in a variety of STEM related careers that have to do with designing real and virtual objects. If you enjoy studying and working with shapes and dimensions or are interested in building objects, then a career in geometry might be for you!

Sample Careers: Architect, GIS Analyst, Interior Designer, Surveyor, Urban Planner, Sheet Metal Worker

STEM Outlook: Various careers involve geometry. The average salary for some of these careers is $70,393, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. The average job growth for these careers is 7.3 percent. Most require a Bachelor's degree.

Explore Geometry Careers

Probability and Statistics

Probability and statistics are used to understand chance and to collect, analyze, interpret, and present data. They are the mathematics that allow us to make informed decisions based on patterns. If you like discovering patterns that not everyone notices, and using that skill to help people make good decisions, then check out probability and statistics!

Sample Careers: Data Scientist, Actuary, Operations Research Analyst, GIS Analyst, Mathematical Modeler, Statistician, Investment Analyst

STEM Outlook: The career outlook for statisticians in the next ten years is great, with a growth rate of 33 percent.

Explore Probability and Statistics Careers

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